Alexander Eggermont

- Alexander Eggermont
Alexander Eggermont is the Director General of the Gustave Roussy CCC, Villejuif/Paris-Sud, He is Full Professor of Oncology (Classe Exceptionnelle) at the Paris-Sud University in Paris, France. He is Full Professor of Surgical Oncology as well as Endowed Professor of International Networking in Cancer Research at the Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam. He holds the Joseph Maisin Chair in Oncology at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. In 1987 he obtained his PhD in tumor immunology on ‘Interferon and IFN-Inducers in the Treatment of Cancer’ at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and is a former Fellow of the NCI Surgery Branch, Bethesda, USA.
His clinical specialties include immunotherapy, melanoma, sarcoma and regional therapy techniques as well as general drug development. He is a past Chair of the EORTC Melanoma Group and current Chair of the Adjuvant Therapy Committee EORTC MG. His basic research experience is in tumor immunology, advanced in vivo imaging models and tumor pathophysiology.
Professor Eggermont is the author or co-author of over 600 peer-reviewed publications, book chapters and monographs. More than 30 PhD theses have originated in his clinical, translational and basic research programmes at the Erasmus University MC Rotterdam. H-index:56; >14000 citations
International functions
- European Academy of Cancer Sciences: President 2010-2013
- ECCO: Past President of ECCO (the European CanCer Organization)
- EORTC: Past President of EORTC (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer), past Chairman of the Melanoma Group and current Chair of the Adjuvant Tx Committee
- ASCO: Past Member Board of Directors of ASCO and JCO Editorial Board
- AACR: Past Deputy Editor of Clinical Cancer Research
- Deutsche Krebshilfe: Chair International Jury for Comprehensive Cancer Centres Program
- Vice-President French Federation of Cancer Centers
- Vice-President WIN-Global Consortium for Personalized Cancer Medicine
- European Journal of Cancer: Editor-in-Chief since 01-01-2011